The Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory (MBL) was established under the direction of Gerard A. Ateshian in 1996. Professor Ateshian has a joint appointment in Columbia's Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering and he recruits students from both programs. Initially, the MBL's research focused principally on cartilage mechanics and lubrication. Starting in the late 1990s, a strong collaborative effort was established with Prof. Clark Hung's Cellular Engineering Laboratory in the areas of cartilage tissue engineering and cell mechanics. More recently, the research efforts of the MBL have expanded toward modeling of solute transport and growth processes in biological tissues; the development of computational tools that can address these mechanisms; and the extension of insights gained from musculoskeletal studies to cardiovascular tissues and reproductive cells. The MBL's fundamental philosophy is that major scientific breakthroughs can be achieved in biomedical engineering by judiciously combining theoretical analyses with experimental studies.
Recent News
CV, Katie, and Kim each present their research at SB3C
Congrats to our lab members for presenting at the 2024 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
CV gave a podium presentation on human wear titled "The Protective Effect of Synovial Fluid Against Cartilage Fatigue Wear Is Concentration Dependent" which sparked dialogue amongst labs studying cartilage lubrication and wear.
Congrats to Dr. Vince Sise!
Vince successfully defended his thesis titled "Physiologic investigations of cartilage fatigue failure and a laser technique for inducing collagen crosslinking for wear resistance." Vince's knowledge, presence and army of undergrads will sorely be missed in the MBL lab, but we're looking forward to hearing about his new postdoc at HSS! Congrats Vince!
Congrats to Dr. Katherine Spack!
Katie successfully defended her thesis titled "Aseptic Machining of Live Bendable Osteochondral Allografts for Articular Surface Remodeling." We will miss her endless knowledge on everything from birds to bendable allografts, but we are so proud and can't wait to see what she accomplishes next in her postdoc uptown with Dr. Joanna Smeeton! Congrats Katie!