Gerard A. Ateshian
- B.S. Columbia University, Mechanical Engineering, 1986
- M.S. Columbia University, Mechanical Engineering, 1987
- M.Phil. Columbia University, Mechanical Engineering, 1990
- Ph.D. Columbia University, Mechanical Engineering, 1991
Active Areas of Research
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of articular cartilage mechanics
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of cartilage lubrication
- Growth and remodeling of biological tissues
- Cell mechanics
- Mixture theory for biological tissues: Theory, experiments, and computational analysis
- Thermodynamics
- Computational fluid and solid mechanics
Past Areas of Research
- Stereophotogrammetry, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography techniques for reconstruction of musculoskeletal anatomy
- Geometric modeling, surface-fitting, and curvature analysis of diarthrodial joint articular surfaces
- Experimental determination of diarthrodial joint kinematics and contact
- Modeling of diarthrodial joints
- Biomechanics of the knee, shoulder, and hand
- Computer-aided surgical planning
- Cartilage tissue engineering and bioreactor design
Gerard Ateshian's research combines theoretical, computational, and experimental methods to address the biomechanics of biological soft tissues and cells. His initial focus of research addressed the biomechanics of diarthrodial joints, including the measurement and analysis of their kinematics and contact mechanics, and the quantitative assessment of articular surface topgraphy and cartilage thickness. These studies were followed by the investigation of cartilage mechanics, with a focus on the disparity between the tensile and compressive properties of this tissue, and the pressurization of its interstitial fluid under loading. Direct measurements of this interstitial fluid pressure brough new insights and evidence with regard to cartilage lubrication, which became a major topic of investigation in the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory.
Since 1996, Prof. Ateshian has established a close collaboration with Professor Clark T. Hung in the area of cartilage tissue engineering. This highly fruitful collaboration has led to important breakthroughs in this field, with notable advances in the understanding of the role of mechanical loading in engineered cartilage growth and development. This collaborative effort has also extended to the fields of solute transport in loaded tissues and tissue constructs, and cell mechanics, producing insights into the cell's mechano-electrochemical environment and its response to mechanical and osmotic loading.
Prof. Ateshian has also invested significant efforts in the modeling of biological tissues and cells using Mixture Theory. He has placed a particular effort in understanding the role of chemical reactions in mixtures, to address important challenges such as the modeling of tissue growth, and active transport processes.
Insights gained from these studies have led to other stimulating collaborations, with Professor Kevin D. Costa in the investigation of the role of proteoglycans in vascular wall mechanics, and with Professor David Elad in the area of oocyte mechanics.
To promote greater dissemination of these theoretical advances in the modeling of biological tissues, Prof. Ateshian has established a close collaboration with Professor Jeffrey A. Weiss of the University of Utah. In an effort involving several members of Columbia's Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory and Utah's Musculoskeletal Research Laboratories, these investigators are developing a free, open source, finite element program to model mechanics and transport in tissues and cells.
Zimmerman, B., Nims, R., Chen, A., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2020. Direct Osmotic Pressure Measurements in Articular Cartilage Demonstrate Non-Ideal and Concentration-Dependent Phenomena. J Biomech Eng, PMCID: PMC7872001, PubMed.
Stefani, R. M., Lee, A. J., Tan, A. R., Halder, S. S., Hu, Y., Guo, X. E., Stoker, A. M., Ateshian, G. A., Marra, K. G., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2020. Sustained low-dose dexamethasone delivery via a PLGA microsphere-embedded agarose implant for enhanced osteochondral repair. Acta Biomater 102, 326-340, PMCID: PMC6956850, PubMed.
Stefani, R. M., Barbosa, S., Tan, A. R., Setti, S., Stoker, A. M., Ateshian, G. A., Cadossi, R., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Aaron, R. K., Cook, J. L., Bulinski, J. C., and Hung, C. T., 2020. Pulsed electromagnetic fields promote repair of focal articular cartilage defects with engineered osteochondral constructs. Biotechnol Bioeng 117, 1584-1596, PubMed.
Gatti, V., Nauleau, P., Karageorgos, G. M., Shim, J. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Konofagou, E. E., 2020. Modelling Pulse Wave Propagation Through a Stenotic Artery with Fluid Structure Interaction: A Validation Study Using Ultrasound Pulse Wave Imaging. J Biomech Eng, PMCID: PMC7872000, PubMed.
Durney, K. M., Shaeffer, C. A., Zimmerman, B. K., Nims, R. J., Oungoulian, S., Jones, B. K., Boorman-Padgett, J. F., Suh, J. T., Shah, R. P., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2020. Immature bovine cartilage wear by fatigue failure and delamination. J Biomech 107, 109852, PMCID: PMC7809915, PubMed.
Chen, D., Wu, J. Y., Kennedy, K. M., Yeager, K., Bernhard, J. C., Ng, J. J., Zimmerman, B. K., Robinson, S., Durney, K. M., Shaeffer, C., Vila, O. F., Takawira, C., Gimble, J. M., Guo, X. E., Ateshian, G. A., Lopez, M. J., Eisig, S. B., and Vunjak-Novakovic, G., 2020. Tissue engineered autologous cartilage-bone grafts for temporomandibular joint regeneration. Sci Transl Med 12, PubMed.
Stefani, R. M., Halder, S. S., Estell, E. G., Lee, A. J., Silverstein, A. M., Sobczak, E., Chahine, N. O., Ateshian, G. A., Shah, R. P., and Hung, C. T., 2019. A Functional Tissue-Engineered Synovium Model to Study Osteoarthritis Progression and Treatment. Tissue Eng Part A 25, 538-553, PMCID: PMC6482911, PubMed.
Shim, J. J., Maas, S. A., Weiss, J. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. A Formulation for Fluid Structure-Interactions in FEBio Using Mixture Theory. J Biomech Eng 141, 051010-051011-051015, PMCID: PMC6528685, PubMed.
Estell, E. G., Silverstein, A. M., Stefani, R. M., Lee, A. J., Murphy, L. A., Shah, R. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2019. Cartilage Wear Particles Induce an Inflammatory Response Similar to Cytokines in Human Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes. J Orthop Res 37, 1979-1987, PMCID: PMC6834361, PubMed.
Basilio, A. V., Xu, P., Takahashi, Y., Yanaoka, T., Sugaya, H., Ateshian, G. A., and Morrison, B., 3rd, 2019. Simulating cerebral edema and delayed fatality after traumatic brain injury using triphasic swelling biomechanics. Traffic Inj Prev 20, 820-825, PubMed.
Zimmerman, B. K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2018. A Surface-to-Surface Finite Element Algorithm for Large Deformation Frictional Contact in febio. J Biomech Eng 140, PMCID: PMC6056201, PubMed.
Todd, J. N., Maak, T. G., Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2018. Hip chondrolabral mechanics during activities of daily living: Role of the labrum and interstitial fluid pressurization. J Biomech 69, 113-120, PMCID: PMC5815394, PubMed.
Maas, S. A., LaBelle, S. A., Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2018. A Plugin Framework for Extending the Simulation Capabilities of FEBio. Biophys J 115, 1630-1637, PMCID: PMC6225080, PubMed.
Hou, J. C., Maas, S. A., Weiss, J. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2018. Finite Element Formulation of Multiphasic Shell Elements for Cell Mechanics Analyses in FEBio. J Biomech Eng 140, 121009-121009-121016, PubMed.
Erdemir, A., Hunter, P. J., Holzapfel, G. A., Loew, L. M., Middleton, J., Jacobs, C. R., Nithiarasu, P., Lohner, R., Wei, G., Winkelstein, B. A., Barocas, V. H., Guilak, F., Ku, J. P., Hicks, J. L., Delp, S. L., Sacks, M., Weiss, J. A., Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S. A., McCulloch, A. D., and Peng, G. C. Y., 2018. Perspectives on Sharing Models and Related Resources in Computational Biomechanics Research. J Biomech Eng 140, PMCID: PMC5821103, PubMed.
Durney, K., Sharifi Kia, D., Wang, T., Singh, A., Karbowski, L., Koo, H. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Albro, M., 2018. Physiologic Medium Maintains the Homeostasis of Immature Bovine Articular Cartilage Explants in Long-Term Culture. J Biomech Eng 141, 021004-021004-021012, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Shim, J. J., Maas, S. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2018. Finite Element Framework for Computational Fluid Dynamics in FEBio. J Biomech Eng 140, 021001, PMCID: PMC5816258, PubMed.
Silverstein, A. M., Stoker, A. M., Ateshian, G. A., Bulinski, J. C., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Transient expression of the diseased phenotype of osteoarthritic chondrocytes in engineered cartilage. J Orthop Res 35, 829-836, PMCID: PMC5383531, PubMed.
Silverstein, A. M., Stefani, R. M., Sobczak, E., Tong, E. L., Attur, M. G., Shah, R. P., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Toward understanding the role of cartilage particulates in synovial inflammation. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 25, 1353-1361, PMCID: PMC5554538, PubMed.
O'Connell, G. D., Tan, A. R., Cui, V., Bulinski, J. C., Cook, J. L., Attur, M., Abramson, S. B., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Human chondrocyte migration behaviour to guide the development of engineered cartilage. J Tissue Eng Regen Med 11, 877-886, PMCID: PMC4531108, PubMed.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Durney, K. M., Jones, B. K., O'Neill, J. D., Law, W. A., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. (*) Constrained Cage Culture Improves Engineered Cartilage Functional Properties by Enhancing Collagen Network Stability. Tissue Eng Part A 23, 847-858, PMCID: PMC5567877, PubMed.
Nims, R. J., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Reactive Constrained Mixtures for Modeling the Solid Matrix of Biological Tissues. Journal of Elasticity 129, 69-105, ://WOS:000410258500005">PubMed.
Maas, S. A., Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2017. FEBio: History and Advances. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 19, 279-299, PMCID: PMC6141040, PubMed.
Estell, E. G., Murphy, L. A., Silverstein, A. M., Tan, A. R., Shah, R. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Fibroblast-like synoviocyte mechanosensitivity to fluid shear is modulated by interleukin-1alpha. J Biomech 60, 91-99, PMCID: PMC5788292, PubMed.
Roach, B. L., Kelmendi-Doko, A., Balutis, E. C., Marra, K. G., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2016. Dexamethasone Release from Within Engineered Cartilage as a Chondroprotective Strategy Against Interleukin-1alpha. Tissue Eng Part A 22, 621-632, PMCID: PMC4841087, PubMed.
Nover, A. B., Stefani, R. M., Lee, S. L., Ateshian, G. A., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2016. Long-term storage and preservation of tissue engineered articular cartilage. J Orthop Res 34, 141-148, PMCID: PMC4710567, PubMed.
Nover, A. B., Jones, B. K., Yu, W. T., Donovan, D. S., Podolnick, J. D., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2016. A puzzle assembly strategy for fabrication of large engineered cartilage tissue constructs. J Biomech 49, 668-677, PMCID: PMC4907770, PubMed.
Nover, A. B., Hou, G. Y., Han, Y., Wang, S., O'Connell, G. D., Ateshian, G. A., Konofagou, E. E., and Hung, C. T., 2016. High intensity focused ultrasound as a tool for tissue engineering: Application to cartilage. Med Eng Phys 38, 192-198, PMCID: PMC4876027, PubMed.
Nims, R. J., Durney, K. M., Cigan, A. D., Dusseaux, A., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Continuum theory of fibrous tissue damage mechanics using bond kinetics: application to cartilage tissue engineering. Interface Focus 6, 20150063, PMCID: PMC4686240, PubMed.
Jones, B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G., 2016. Biphasic Analysis of Cartilage Stresses in the Patellofemoral Joint. J Knee Surg 29, 92-98, PMCID: PMC4747677, PubMed.
Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Grading of osteoarthritic cartilage: Correlations between histology and biomechanics. J Orthop Res 34, 8-9, PubMed.
Hou, C., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. A Gauss-Kronrod-Trapezoidal integration scheme for modeling biological tissues with continuous fiber distributions. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 19, 883-893, PMCID: PMC4807401, PubMed.
Cigan, A. D., Roach, B. L., Nims, R. J., Tan, A. R., Albro, M. B., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. High seeding density of human chondrocytes in agarose produces tissue-engineered cartilage approaching native mechanical and biochemical properties. J Biomech 49, 1909-1917, PMCID: PMC4920373, PubMed.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Optimizing nutrient channel spacing and revisiting TGF-beta in large engineered cartilage constructs. J Biomech 49, 2089-2094, PMCID: PMC4922491, PubMed.
Cigan, A. D., Durney, K. M., Nims, R. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Nutrient Channels Aid the Growth of Articular Surface-Sized Engineered Cartilage Constructs. Tissue Eng Part A 22, 1063-1074, PMCID: PMC5312614, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Nims, R. J., Durney, K. M., Cigan, A. D., Shim, J. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Heterogeneous engineered cartilage growth results from gradients of media-supplemented active TGF-beta and is ameliorated by the alternative supplementation of latent TGF-beta. Biomaterials 77, 173-185, PMCID: PMC4968414, PubMed.
Tan, A. R., VandenBerg, C. D., Attur, M., Abramson, S. B., Knight, M. M., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Cytokine preconditioning of engineered cartilage provides protection against interleukin-1 insult. Arthritis Res Ther 17, 361, PMCID: PMC4704536, PubMed.
Tan, A. R., Alegre-Aguaron, E., O'Connell, G. D., VandenBerg, C. D., Aaron, R. K., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Chloe Bulinski, J., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Passage-dependent relationship between mesenchymal stem cell mobilization and chondrogenic potential. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 23, 319-327, PMCID: PMC4369922, PubMed.
Roach, B. L., Hung, C. T., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Tan, A. R., 2015. Fabrication of tissue engineered osteochondral grafts for restoring the articular surface of diarthrodial joints. Methods 84, 103-108, PMCID: PMC4667358, PubMed.
Oungoulian, S. R., Durney, K. M., Jones, B. K., Ahmad, C. S., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Wear and damage of articular cartilage with friction against orthopedic implant materials. J Biomech 48, 1957-1964, PMCID: PMC4492870, PubMed.
Nover, A. B., Lee, S. L., Georgescu, M. S., Howard, D. R., Saunders, R. A., Yu, W. T., Klein, R. W., Napolitano, A. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Porous titanium bases for osteochondral tissue engineering. Acta Biomater 27, 286-293, PMCID: PMC4698168, PubMed.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Matrix Production in Large Engineered Cartilage Constructs Is Enhanced by Nutrient Channels and Excess Media Supply. Tissue Eng Part C Methods 21, 747-757, PMCID: PMC4499772, PubMed.
Jones, B. K., Durney, K. M., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. The friction coefficient of shoulder joints remains remarkably low over 24 h of loading. J Biomech 48, 3945-3949, PMCID: PMC4707938, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Henak, C. R., and Weiss, J. A., 2015. Toward patient-specific articular contact mechanics. J Biomech 48, 779-786, PMCID: PMC4416416, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Viscoelasticity using reactive constrained solid mixtures. J Biomech 48, 941-947, PMCID: PMC4422403, PubMed.
Roccabianca, S., Ateshian, G. A., and Humphrey, J. D., 2014. Biomechanical roles of medial pooling of glycosaminoglycans in thoracic aortic dissection. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 13, 13-25, PMCID: PMC3918738, PubMed.
Oungoulian, S. R., Hehir, K. E., Zhu, K., Willis, C. E., Marinescu, A. G., Merali, N., Ahmad, C. S., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Effect of glutaraldehyde fixation on the frictional response of immature bovine articular cartilage explants. J Biomech 47, 694-701, PMCID: PMC3913559, PubMed.
O'Connell, G. D., Nims, R. J., Green, J., Cigan, A. D., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Time and dose-dependent effects of chondroitinase ABC on growth of engineered cartilage. Eur Cell Mater 27, 312-320, PMCID: PMC4096549, PubMed.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Synthesis rates and binding kinetics of matrix products in engineered cartilage constructs using chondrocyte-seeded agarose gels. J Biomech 47, 2165-2172, PMCID: PMC4017010, PubMed.
Myers, K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Interstitial growth and remodeling of biological tissues: tissue composition as state variables. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 29, 544-556, PMCID: PMC3812404, PubMed.
Henak, C. R., Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2014. Finite element prediction of transchondral stress and strain in the human hip. J Biomech Eng 136, 021021, PMCID: PMC5101027, PubMed.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Nutrient channels and stirring enhanced the composition and stiffness of large cartilage constructs. J Biomech 47, 3847-3854, PMCID: PMC4261053, PubMed.
Bhumiratana, S., Eton, R. E., Oungoulian, S. R., Wan, L. Q., Ateshian, G. A., and Vunjak-Novakovic, G., 2014. Large, stratified, and mechanically functional human cartilage grown in vitro by mesenchymal condensation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 6940-6945, PMCID: PMC4024923, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Nims, R. J., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2014. Computational modeling of chemical reactions and interstitial growth and remodeling involving charged solutes and solid-bound molecules. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 13, 1105-1120, PMCID: PMC4141041, PubMed.
Alegre-Aguaron, E., Sampat, S. R., Xiong, J. C., Colligan, R. M., Bulinski, J. C., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., Brown, L. M., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Growth factor priming differentially modulates components of the extracellular matrix proteome in chondrocytes and synovium-derived stem cells. PLoS One 9, e88053, PMCID: PMC3917883, PubMed.
Sampat, S. R., Dermksian, M. V., Oungoulian, S. R., Winchester, R. J., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Applied osmotic loading for promoting development of engineered cartilage. J Biomech 46, 2674-2681, PMCID: PMC3902123, PubMed.
Oungoulian, S. R., Chang, S., Bortz, O., Hehir, K. E., Zhu, K., Willis, C. E., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Articular cartilage wear characterization with a particle sizing and counting analyzer. J Biomech Eng 135, 024501, PMCID: PMC3660847, PubMed.
Kelly, T. A., Roach, B. L., Weidner, Z. D., Mackenzie-Smith, C. R., O'Connell, G. D., Lima, E. G., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Tissue-engineered articular cartilage exhibits tension-compression nonlinearity reminiscent of the native cartilage. J Biomech 46, 1784-1791, PMCID: PMC3713158, PubMed.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Esau, J. D., Dreyer, M. P., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Insulin, ascorbate, and glucose have a much greater influence than transferrin and selenous acid on the in vitro growth of engineered cartilage in chondrogenic media. Tissue Eng Part A 19, 1941-1948, PMCID: PMC3725793, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2013. Multiphasic finite element framework for modeling hydrated mixtures with multiple neutral and charged solutes. J Biomech Eng 135, 111001, PMCID: PMC3792408, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Yeroushalmi, K. J., Shim, J. J., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Dynamic mechanical compression of devitalized articular cartilage does not activate latent TGF-beta. J Biomech 46, 1433-1439, PMCID: PMC3810401, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Yeroushalmi, K. J., Alliston, T., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Accumulation of exogenous activated TGF-beta in the superficial zone of articular cartilage. Biophys J 104, 1794-1804, PMCID: PMC3627867, PubMed.
O'Connell, G. D., Lima, E. G., Bian, L., Chahine, N. O., Albro, M. B., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Toward engineering a biological joint replacement. J Knee Surg 25, 187-196, PMCID: PMC3700804, PubMed.
O'Connell, G. D., Fong, J. V., Dunleavy, N., Joffe, A., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Trimethylamine N-oxide as a media supplement for cartilage tissue engineering. J Orthop Res 30, 1898-1905, PMCID: PMC3625430, PubMed.
Maas, S. A., Ellis, B. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2012. FEBio: finite elements for biomechanics. J Biomech Eng 134, 011005, PMCID: PMC3705975, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Durney, K. M., Sirsi, S. R., Nover, A. B., Ateshian, G. A., Borden, M. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Microbubbles as biocompatible porogens for hydrogel scaffolds. Acta Biomater 8, 4334-4341, PMCID: PMC3654399, PubMed.
Huang, A. H., Baker, B. M., Ateshian, G. A., and Mauck, R. L., 2012. Sliding contact loading enhances the tensile properties of mesenchymal stem cell-seeded hydrogels. Eur Cell Mater 24, 29-45, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Morrison, B., 3rd, Holmes, J. W., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Mechanics of Cell Growth. Mech Res Commun 42, 118-125, PMCID: PMC3418607, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2012. Solute transport across a contact interface in deformable porous media. J Biomech 45, 1023-1027, PMCID: PMC3351088, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Humphrey, J. D., 2012. Continuum mixture models of biological growth and remodeling: past successes and future opportunities. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 14, 97-111, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Yeroushalmi, K. J., Oungoulian, S. R., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Shearing of synovial fluid activates latent TGF-beta. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 20, 1374-1382, PMCID: PMC3448789, PubMed.
Tan, A. R., Dong, E. Y., Andry, J. P., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2011. Coculture of engineered cartilage with primary chondrocytes induces expedited growth. Clin Orthop Relat Res 469, 2735-2743, PMCID: PMC3171525, PubMed.
Sampat, S. R., O'Connell, G. D., Fong, J. V., Alegre-Aguaron, E., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2011. Growth factor priming of synovium-derived stem cells for cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng Part A 17, 2259-2265, PMCID: PMC3161099, PubMed.
Oswald, E. S., Ahmed, H. S., Kramer, S. P., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2011. Effects of hypertonic (NaCl) two-dimensional and three-dimensional culture conditions on the properties of cartilage tissue engineered from an expanded mature bovine chondrocyte source. Tissue Eng Part C Methods 17, 1041-1049, PMCID: PMC3205796, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., O'Conor, C. J., Kugler, L. E., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2011. Transient supplementation of anabolic growth factors rapidly stimulates matrix synthesis in engineered cartilage. Ann Biomed Eng 39, 2491-2500, PMCID: PMC3387273, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Albro, M. B., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2011. Finite element implementation of mechanochemical phenomena in neutral deformable porous media under finite deformation. J Biomech Eng 133, 081005, PMCID: PMC3431289, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2011. The role of mass balance equations in growth mechanics illustrated in surface and volume dissolutions. J Biomech Eng 133, 011010, PMCID: PMC3086819, PubMed.
Ambrosi, D., Ateshian, G. A., Arruda, E. M., Cowin, S. C., Dumais, J., Goriely, A., Holzapfel, G. A., Humphrey, J. D., Kemkemer, R., Kuhl, E., Olberding, J. E., Taber, L. A., and Garikipati, K., 2011. Perspectives on biological growth and remodeling. J Mech Phys Solids 59, 863-883, PMCID: PMC3083065, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Banerjee, R. E., Li, R., Oungoulian, S. R., Chen, B., del Palomar, A. P., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2011. Dynamic loading of immature epiphyseal cartilage pumps nutrients out of vascular canals. J Biomech 44, 1654-1659, PMCID: PMC3124764, PubMed.
Tan, A. R., Dong, E. Y., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2010. Response of engineered cartilage to mechanical insult depends on construct maturity. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 18, 1577-1585, PMCID: PMC3099249, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Lima, E. G., Bian, L., O'Conor, C. J., Jayabalan, P. S., Stoker, A. M., Kuroki, K., Cook, C. R., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2010. Passaged adult chondrocytes can form engineered cartilage with functional mechanical properties: a canine model. Tissue Eng Part A 16, 1041-1051, PMCID: PMC2862612, PubMed.
Jiang, J., Tang, A., Ateshian, G. A., Guo, X. E., Hung, C. T., and Lu, H. H., 2010. Bioactive stratified polymer ceramic-hydrogel scaffold for integrative osteochondral repair. Ann Biomed Eng 38, 2183-2196, PubMed.
Henninger, H. B., Underwood, C. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2010. Effect of sulfated glycosaminoglycan digestion on the transverse permeability of medial collateral ligament. J Biomech 43, 2567-2573, PMCID: PMC3152955, PubMed.
Canal Guterl, C., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2010. Electrostatic and non-electrostatic contributions of proteoglycans to the compressive equilibrium modulus of bovine articular cartilage. J Biomech 43, 1343-1350, PMCID: PMC2900255, PubMed.
Bian, L., Stoker, A. M., Marberry, K. M., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2010. Effects of dexamethasone on the functional properties of cartilage explants during long-term culture. Am J Sports Med 38, 78-85, PMCID: PMC2929560, PubMed.
Bian, L., Fong, J. V., Lima, E. G., Stoker, A. M., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2010. Dynamic mechanical loading enhances functional properties of tissue-engineered cartilage using mature canine chondrocytes. Tissue Eng Part A 16, 1781-1790, PMCID: PMC2952125, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2010. Anisotropic hydraulic permeability under finite deformation. J Biomech Eng 132, 111004, PMCID: PMC3124784, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Ricken, T., 2010. Multigenerational interstitial growth of biological tissues. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 9, 689-702, PMCID: PMC2970697, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Morrison, B., 3rd, and Hung, C. T., 2010. Modeling of active transmembrane transport in a mixture theory framework. Ann Biomed Eng 38, 1801-1814, PMCID: PMC2913781, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2010. Finite element algorithm for frictionless contact of porous permeable media under finite deformation and sliding. J Biomech Eng 132, 061006, PMCID: PMC2953263, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Li, R., Banerjee, R. E., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2010. Validation of theoretical framework explaining active solute uptake in dynamically loaded porous media. J Biomech 43, 2267-2273, PMCID: PMC2993250, PubMed.
Park, S., Costa, K. D., Ateshian, G. A., and Hong, K. S., 2009. Mechanical properties of bovine articular cartilage under microscale indentation loading from atomic force microscopy. Proc Inst Mech Eng H 223, 339-347, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Mauck, R. L., Wang, C. C., Kelly, T. A., Ho, M. M., Chen, F. H., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Duty Cycle of Deformational Loading Influences the Growth of Engineered Articular Cartilage. Cell Mol Bioeng 2, 386-394, PMCID: PMC2918904, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Kugler, L. E., Doty, S. B., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Scaffold degradation elevates the collagen content and dynamic compressive modulus in engineered articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 17, 220-227, PMCID: PMC2795572, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Zonal chondrocytes seeded in a layered agarose hydrogel create engineered cartilage with depth-dependent cellular and mechanical inhomogeneity. Tissue Eng Part A 15, 2315-2324, PMCID: PMC2787199, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Tan, A. R., Tai, T., Marra, K. G., DeFail, A., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Genipin enhances the mechanical properties of tissue-engineered cartilage and protects against inflammatory degradation when used as a medium supplement. J Biomed Mater Res A 91, 692-700, PMCID: PMC2767416, PubMed.
Kelly, T. A., Ng, K. W., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Analysis of radial variations in material properties and matrix composition of chondrocyte-seeded agarose hydrogel constructs. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 17, 73-82, PMCID: PMC2821566, PubMed.
Guterl, C. C., Gardner, T. R., Rajan, V., Ahmad, C. S., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2009. Two-dimensional strain fields on the cross-section of the human patellofemoral joint under physiological loading. J Biomech 42, 1275-1281, PMCID: PMC2980285, PubMed.
Chahine, N. O., Albro, M. B., Lima, E. G., Wei, V. I., Dubois, C. R., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2009. Effect of dynamic loading on the transport of solutes into agarose hydrogels. Biophys J 97, 968-975, PMCID: PMC2726307, PubMed.
Caligaris, M., Canal, C. E., Ahmad, C. S., Gardner, T. R., and Ateshian, G. A., 2009. Investigation of the frictional response of osteoarthritic human tibiofemoral joints and the potential beneficial tribological effect of healthy synovial fluid. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 17, 1327-1332, PMCID: PMC2753744, PubMed.
Bian, L., Kaplun, M., Williams, D. Y., Xu, D., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Influence of chondroitin sulfate on the biochemical, mechanical and frictional properties of cartilage explants in long-term culture. J Biomech 42, 286-290, PMCID: PMC2819724, PubMed.
Bian, L., Crivello, K. M., Ng, K. W., Xu, D., Williams, D. Y., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Influence of temporary chondroitinase ABC-induced glycosaminoglycan suppression on maturation of tissue-engineered cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A 15, 2065-2072, PMCID: PMC2792113, PubMed.
Bian, L., Angione, S. L., Ng, K. W., Lima, E. G., Williams, D. Y., Mao, D. Q., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Influence of decreasing nutrient path length on the development of engineered cartilage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 17, 677-685, PMCID: PMC3387279, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Rajan, V., Chahine, N. O., Canal, C. E., and Hung, C. T., 2009. Modeling the matrix of articular cartilage using a continuous fiber angular distribution predicts many observed phenomena. J Biomech Eng 131, 061003, PMCID: PMC2842192, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Friedman, M. H., 2009. Integrative biomechanics: a paradigm for clinical applications of fundamental mechanics. J Biomech 42, 1444-1451, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Costa, K. D., Azeloglu, E. U., Morrison, B., 3rd, and Hung, C. T., 2009. Continuum modeling of biological tissue growth by cell division, and alteration of intracellular osmolytes and extracellular fixed charge density. J Biomech Eng 131, 101001, PMCID: PMC2860886, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Costa, K. D., 2009. A frame-invariant formulation of Fung elasticity. J Biomech 42, 781-785, PMCID: PMC3612496, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2009. The role of interstitial fluid pressurization in articular cartilage lubrication. J Biomech 42, 1163-1176, PMCID: PMC2758165, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Rajan, V., Li, R., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2009. Characterization of the Concentration-Dependence of Solute Diffusivity and Partitioning in a Model Dextran-Agarose Transport System. Cell Mol Bioeng 2, 295-305, PMCID: PMC2996616, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Petersen, L. E., Li, R., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2009. Influence of the partitioning of osmolytes by the cytoplasm on the passive response of cells to osmotic loading. Biophys J 97, 2886-2893, PMCID: PMC2784563, PubMed.
Park, S., Nicoll, S. B., Mauck, R. L., and Ateshian, G. A., 2008. Cartilage mechanical response under dynamic compression at physiological stress levels following collagenase digestion. Ann Biomed Eng 36, 425-434, PubMed.
Oswald, E. S., Chao, P. H., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2008. Dependence of zonal chondrocyte water transport properties on osmotic environment. Cell Mol Bioeng 1, 339-348, PMCID: PMC2792913, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., DeFrancis, J. G., Kugler, L. E., Kelly, T. A., Ho, M. M., O'Conor, C. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2008. Amino acids supply in culture media is not a limiting factor in the matrix synthesis of engineered cartilage tissue. Amino Acids 35, 433-438, PMCID: PMC3769193, PubMed.
Moffat, K. L., Sun, W. H., Pena, P. E., Chahine, N. O., Doty, S. B., Ateshian, G. A., Hung, C. T., and Lu, H. H., 2008. Characterization of the structure-function relationship at the ligament-to-bone interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 7947-7952, PMCID: PMC2430342, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Tan, A. R., Tai, T., Bian, L., Stoker, A. M., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2008. Differences in interleukin-1 response between engineered and native cartilage. Tissue Eng Part A 14, 1721-1730, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Tan, A. R., Tai, T., Bian, L., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2008. Physiologic deformational loading does not counteract the catabolic effects of interleukin-1 in long-term culture of chondrocyte-seeded agarose constructs. J Biomech 41, 3253-3259, PMCID: PMC2724593, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Grace Chao, P. H., Ateshian, G. A., Bal, B. S., Cook, J. L., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., and Hung, C. T., 2008. The effect of devitalized trabecular bone on the formation of osteochondral tissue-engineered constructs. Biomaterials 29, 4292-4299, PMCID: PMC2562244, PubMed.
Kelly, T. A., Fisher, M. B., Oswald, E. S., Tai, T., Mauck, R. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2008. Low-serum media and dynamic deformational loading in tissue engineering of articular cartilage. Ann Biomed Eng 36, 769-779, PubMed.
Canal, C. E., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2008. Two-dimensional strain fields on the cross-section of the bovine humeral head under contact loading. J Biomech 41, 3145-3151, PMCID: PMC2633100, PubMed.
Caligaris, M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2008. Effects of sustained interstitial fluid pressurization under migrating contact area, and boundary lubrication by synovial fluid, on cartilage friction. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 16, 1220-1227, PMCID: PMC2622427, PubMed.
Bian, L., Lima, E. G., Angione, S. L., Ng, K. W., Williams, D. Y., Xu, D., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2008. Mechanical and biochemical characterization of cartilage explants in serum-free culture. J Biomech 41, 1153-1159, PMCID: PMC3387278, PubMed.
Azeloglu, E. U., Albro, M. B., Thimmappa, V. A., Ateshian, G. A., and Costa, K. D., 2008. Heterogeneous transmural proteoglycan distribution provides a mechanism for regulating residual stresses in the aorta. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 294, H1197-1205, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Chahine, N. O., Li, R., Yeager, K., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2008. Dynamic loading of deformable porous media can induce active solute transport. J Biomech 41, 3152-3157, PMCID: PMC2633098, PubMed.
Pillai, R. R., Thoomukuntla, B., Ateshian, G. A., and Fischer, K. J., 2007. MRI-based modeling for evaluation of in vivo contact mechanics in the human wrist during active light grasp. J Biomech 40, 2781-2787, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Saliman, J. D., Lin, E. Y., Statman, L. Y., Kugler, L. E., Lo, S. B., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2007. Culture duration modulates collagen hydrolysate-induced tissue remodeling in chondrocyte-seeded agarose hydrogels. Ann Biomed Eng 35, 1914-1923, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Bian, L., Ng, K. W., Mauck, R. L., Byers, B. A., Tuan, R. S., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2007. The beneficial effect of delayed compressive loading on tissue-engineered cartilage constructs cultured with TGF-beta3. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 15, 1025-1033, PMCID: PMC2724596, PubMed.
Chahine, N. O., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2007. In-situ measurements of chondrocyte deformation under transient loading. Eur Cell Mater 13, 100-111; discussion 111, PubMed.
Chahine, N. O., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2007. The effect of finite compressive strain on chondrocyte viability in statically loaded bovine articular cartilage. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 6, 103-111, PubMed.
Carter, M. J., Basalo, I. M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2007. The temporal response of the friction coefficient of articular cartilage depends on the contact area. J Biomech 40, 3257-3260, PMCID: PMC2094001, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Chahine, N. O., Kaplun, M., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2007. Chondroitin sulfate reduces the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. J Biomech 40, 1847-1854, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Ellis, B. J., and Weiss, J. A., 2007. Equivalence between short-time biphasic and incompressible elastic material responses. J Biomech Eng 129, 405-412, PMCID: PMC3312381, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Costa, K. D., and Hung, C. T., 2007. A theoretical analysis of water transport through chondrocytes. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 6, 91-101, PMCID: PMC2853978, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2007. Special issue on cartilage (part II). Biomech Model Mechanobiol 6, 1-3, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2007. On the theory of reactive mixtures for modeling biological growth. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 6, 423-445, PMCID: PMC3834581, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2007. Artificial cartilage: weaving in three dimensions. Nat Mater 6, 89-90, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 2007. Anisotropy of fibrous tissues in relation to the distribution of tensed and buckled fibers. J Biomech Eng 129, 240-249, PMCID: PMC2805028, PubMed.
Albro, M. B., Chahine, N. O., Caligaris, M., Wei, V. I., Likhitpanichkul, M., Ng, K. W., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2007. Osmotic loading of spherical gels: a biomimetic study of hindered transport in the cell protoplasm. J Biomech Eng 129, 503-510, PMCID: PMC2828939, PubMed.
Park, S., and Ateshian, G. A., 2006. Dynamic response of immature bovine articular cartilage in tension and compression, and nonlinear viscoelastic modeling of the tensile response. J Biomech Eng 128, 623-630, PMCID: PMC2842191, PubMed.
Oswald, E. S., Chao, P. H., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2006. Chondrocyte nuclear response to osmotic loading. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2006, 3659-3661, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Mauck, R. L., Statman, L. Y., Lin, E. Y., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2006. Dynamic deformational loading results in selective application of mechanical stimulation in a layered, tissue-engineered cartilage construct. Biorheology 43, 497-507, PubMed.
Moffat, K. L., Sun, W. H., Chahine, N. O., Pena, P. E., Doty, S. B., Hung, C. T., Ateshian, G. A., and Lu, H. H., 2006. Characterization of the mechanical properties and mineral distribution of the anterior cruciate ligament-to-bone insertion site. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2006, 2366-2369, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Bian, L., Mauck, R. L., Byers, B. A., Tuan, R. S., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2006. The effect of applied compressive loading on tissue-engineered cartilage constructs cultured with TGF-beta3. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2006, 779-782, PubMed.
Kelly, T. A., Ng, K. W., Wang, C. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2006. Spatial and temporal development of chondrocyte-seeded agarose constructs in free-swelling and dynamically loaded cultures. J Biomech 39, 1489-1497, PubMed.
Ho, M. M., Kelly, T. A., Guo, X. E., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2006. Spatially varying material properties of the rat caudal intervertebral disc. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 31, E486-493, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2006. Frictional response of bovine articular cartilage under creep loading following proteoglycan digestion with chondroitinase ABC. J Biomech Eng 128, 131-134, PMCID: PMC2819726, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Likhitpanichkul, M., and Hung, C. T., 2006. A mixture theory analysis for passive transport in osmotic loading of cells. J Biomech 39, 464-475, PMCID: PMC2859701, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2006. The natural synovial joint: Properties of cartilage. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 220, 657-670, PubMed.
Wang, V. M., Krishnan, R., Ugwonali, O. F., Flatow, E. L., Bigliani, L. U., and Ateshian, G. A., 2005. Biomechanical evaluation of a novel glenoid design in total shoulder arthroplasty. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 14, 129S-140S, PubMed.
Ng, K. W., Wang, C. C., Mauck, R. L., Kelly, T. A., Chahine, N. O., Costa, K. D., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2005. A layered agarose approach to fabricate depth-dependent inhomogeneity in chondrocyte-seeded constructs. J Orthop Res 23, 134-141, PubMed.
Krishnan, R., Mariner, E. N., and Ateshian, G. A., 2005. Effect of dynamic loading on the frictional response of bovine articular cartilage. J Biomech 38, 1665-1673, PMCID: PMC4059373, PubMed.
Huang, C. Y., Stankiewicz, A., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 2005. Anisotropy, inhomogeneity, and tension-compression nonlinearity of human glenohumeral cartilage in finite deformation. J Biomech 38, 799-809, PMCID: PMC3786419, PubMed.
Chahine, N. O., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2005. Direct measurement of osmotic pressure of glycosaminoglycan solutions by membrane osmometry at room temperature. Biophys J 89, 1543-1550, PMCID: PMC1366659, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Raj, D., Krishnan, R., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2005. Effects of enzymatic degradation on the frictional response of articular cartilage in stress relaxation. J Biomech 38, 1343-1349, PMCID: PMC2833092, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2005. Patellofemoral joint biomechanics and tissue engineering. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 81-90, PMCID: PMC3786422, PubMed.
Park, S., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Mechanical response of bovine articular cartilage under dynamic unconfined compression loading at physiological stress levels. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 12, 65-73, PubMed.
Park, S., Costa, K. D., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Microscale frictional response of bovine articular cartilage from atomic force microscopy. J Biomech 37, 1679-1687, PMCID: PMC2809665, PubMed.
Lima, E. G., Mauck, R. L., Han, S. H., Park, S., Ng, K. W., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2004. Functional tissue engineering of chondral and osteochondral constructs. Biorheology 41, 577-590, PubMed.
Krishnan, R., Kopacz, M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Experimental verification of the role of interstitial fluid pressurization in cartilage lubrication. J Orthop Res 22, 565-570, PMCID: PMC2842190, PubMed.
Krishnan, R., Caligaris, M., Mauck, R. L., Hung, C. T., Costa, K. D., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Removal of the superficial zone of bovine articular cartilage does not increase its frictional coefficient. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 12, 947-955, PMCID: PMC2828954, PubMed.
Kelly, T. A., Wang, C. C., Mauck, R. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2004. Role of cell-associated matrix in the development of free-swelling and dynamically loaded chondrocyte-seeded agarose gels. Biorheology 41, 223-237, PubMed.
Hung, C. T., Mauck, R. L., Wang, C. C., Lima, E. G., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. A paradigm for functional tissue engineering of articular cartilage via applied physiologic deformational loading. Ann Biomed Eng 32, 35-49, PubMed.
Chahine, N. O., Wang, C. C., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Anisotropic strain-dependent material properties of bovine articular cartilage in the transitional range from tension to compression. J Biomech 37, 1251-1261, PMCID: PMC2819725, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Mauck, R. L., Kelly, T. A., Nicoll, S. B., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Cartilage interstitial fluid load support in unconfined compression following enzymatic digestion. J Biomech Eng 126, 779-786, PMCID: PMC3726345, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Chahine, N. O., Basalo, I. M., and Hung, C. T., 2004. The correspondence between equilibrium biphasic and triphasic material properties in mixture models of articular cartilage. J Biomech 37, 391-400, PMCID: PMC2819758, PubMed.
Wang, C. C., Chahine, N. O., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Optical determination of anisotropic material properties of bovine articular cartilage in compression. J Biomech 36, 339-353, PMCID: PMC2809654, PubMed.
Soltz, M. A., Basalo, I. M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Hydrostatic pressurization and depletion of trapped lubricant pool during creep contact of a rippled indenter against a biphasic articular cartilage layer. J Biomech Eng 125, 585-593, PMCID: PMC2842086, PubMed.
Park, S., Krishnan, R., Nicoll, S. B., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Cartilage interstitial fluid load support in unconfined compression. J Biomech 36, 1785-1796, PMCID: PMC2833094, PubMed.
Morrison, B., 3rd, Cater, H. L., Wang, C. C., Thomas, F. C., Hung, C. T., Ateshian, G. A., and Sundstrom, L. E., 2003. A tissue level tolerance criterion for living brain developed with an in vitro model of traumatic mechanical loading. Stapp Car Crash J 47, 93-105, PubMed.
Mauck, R. L., Wang, C. C., Oswald, E. S., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2003. The role of cell seeding density and nutrient supply for articular cartilage tissue engineering with deformational loading. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 11, 879-890, PubMed.
Mauck, R. L., Nicoll, S. B., Seyhan, S. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2003. Synergistic action of growth factors and dynamic loading for articular cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue Eng 9, 597-611, PubMed.
Mauck, R. L., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Modeling of neutral solute transport in a dynamically loaded porous permeable gel: implications for articular cartilage biosynthesis and tissue engineering. J Biomech Eng 125, 602-614, PMCID: PMC2854001, PubMed.
Krishnan, R., Park, S., Eckstein, F., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Inhomogeneous cartilage properties enhance superficial interstitial fluid support and frictional properties, but do not provide a homogeneous state of stress. J Biomech Eng 125, 569-577, PMCID: PMC2842189, PubMed.
Koff, M. F., Ugwonali, O. F., Strauch, R. J., Rosenwasser, M. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 2003. Sequential wear patterns of the articular cartilage of the thumb carpometacarpal joint in osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am 28, 597-604, PubMed.
Hung, C. T., Lima, E. G., Mauck, R. L., Takai, E., LeRoux, M. A., Lu, H. H., Stark, R. G., Guo, X. E., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Anatomically shaped osteochondral constructs for articular cartilage repair. J Biomech 36, 1853-1864, PubMed.
Huang, C. Y., Soltz, M. A., Kopacz, M., Mow, V. C., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Experimental verification of the roles of intrinsic matrix viscoelasticity and tension-compression nonlinearity in the biphasic response of cartilage. J Biomech Eng 125, 84-93, PubMed.
Cohen, Z. A., Mow, V. C., Henry, J. H., Levine, W. N., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Templates of the cartilage layers of the patellofemoral joint and their use in the assessment of osteoarthritic cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 11, 569-579, PubMed.
Cohen, Z. A., Henry, J. H., McCarthy, D. M., Mow, V. C., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Computer simulations of patellofemoral joint surgery. Patient-specific models for tuberosity transfer. Am J Sports Med 31, 87-98, PubMed.
Brown, G. D., 3rd, Roh, M. S., Strauch, R. J., Rosenwasser, M. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 2003. Radiography and visual pathology of the osteoarthritic scaphotrapezio-trapezoidal joint, and its relationship to trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am 28, 739-743, PubMed.
Ahmad, C. S., Cohen, Z. A., Levine, W. N., Gardner, T. R., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 2003. Codominance of the individual posterior cruciate ligament bundles. An analysis of bundle lengths and orientation. Am J Sports Med 31, 221-225, PubMed.
Wang, C. C., Guo, X. E., Sun, D., Mow, V. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2002. The functional environment of chondrocytes within cartilage subjected to compressive loading: a theoretical and experimental approach. Biorheology 39, 11-25, PubMed.
Wang, C. C., Deng, J. M., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2002. An automated approach for direct measurement of two-dimensional strain distributions within articular cartilage under unconfined compression. J Biomech Eng 124, 557-567, PubMed.
Mauck, R. L., Seyhan, S. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2002. Influence of seeding density and dynamic deformational loading on the developing structure/function relationships of chondrocyte-seeded agarose hydrogels. Ann Biomed Eng 30, 1046-1056, PubMed.
Lai, W. M., Sun, D. D., Ateshian, G. A., Guo, X. E., and Mow, V. C., 2002. Electrical signals for chondrocytes in cartilage. Biorheology 39, 39-45, PubMed.
Kitano, T., Ateshian, G. A., Mow, V. C., Kadoya, Y., and Yamano, Y., 2001. Constituents and pH changes in protein rich hyaluronan solution affect the biotribological properties of artificial articular joints. J Biomech 34, 1031-1037, PubMed.
Kelkar, R., Wang, V. M., Flatow, E. L., Newton, P. M., Ateshian, G. A., Bigliani, L. U., Pawluk, R. J., and Mow, V. C., 2001. Glenohumeral mechanics: a study of articular geometry, contact, and kinematics. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 10, 73-84, PubMed.
Huang, C. Y., Mow, V. C., and Ateshian, G. A., 2001. The role of flow-independent viscoelasticity in the biphasic tensile and compressive responses of articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng 123, 410-417, PubMed.
Dykyj, D., Ateshian, G. A., Trepal, M. J., and MacDonald, L. R., 2001. Articular geometry of the medial tarsometatarsal joint in the foot: comparison of metatarsus primus adductus and metatarsus primus rectus. J Foot Ankle Surg 40, 357-365, PubMed.
Cohen, Z. A., Roglic, H., Grelsamer, R. P., Henry, J. H., Levine, W. N., Mow, V. C., and Ateshian, G. A., 2001. Patellofemoral stresses during open and closed kinetic chain exercises. An analysis using computer simulation. Am J Sports Med 29, 480-487, PubMed.
Ahmad, C. S., Cohen, Z. A., Levine, W. N., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 2001. Biomechanical and topographic considerations for autologous osteochondral grafting in the knee. Am J Sports Med 29, 201-206, PubMed.
Soltz, M. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2000. Interstitial fluid pressurization during confined compression cyclical loading of articular cartilage. Ann Biomed Eng 28, 150-159, PubMed.
Soltz, M. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2000. A Conewise Linear Elasticity mixture model for the analysis of tension-compression nonlinearity in articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng 122, 576-586, PMCID: PMC2854000, PubMed.
Rivers, P. A., Rosenwasser, M. P., Mow, V. C., Pawluk, R. J., Strauch, R. J., Sugalski, M. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2000. Osteoarthritic changes in the biochemical composition of thumb carpometacarpal joint cartilage and correlation with biomechanical properties. J Hand Surg Am 25, 889-898, PubMed.
Mauck, R. L., Soltz, M. A., Wang, C. C., Wong, D. D., Chao, P. H., Valhmu, W. B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2000. Functional tissue engineering of articular cartilage through dynamic loading of chondrocyte-seeded agarose gels. J Biomech Eng 122, 252-260, PubMed.
Lai, W. M., Mow, V. C., Sun, D. D., and Ateshian, G. A., 2000. On the electric potentials inside a charged soft hydrated biological tissue: streaming potential versus diffusion potential. J Biomech Eng 122, 336-346, PubMed.
Kwak, S. D., Blankevoort, L., and Ateshian, G. A., 2000. A Mathematical Formulation for 3D Quasi-Static Multibody Models of Diarthrodial Joints. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 3, 41-64, PubMed.
Kwak, S. D., Ahmad, C. S., Gardner, T. R., Grelsamer, R. P., Henry, J. H., Blankevoort, L., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 2000. Hamstrings and iliotibial band forces affect knee kinematics and contact pattern. J Orthop Res 18, 101-108, PubMed.
Donzelli, P. S., Spilker, R. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 1999. Contact analysis of biphasic transversely isotropic cartilage layers and correlations with tissue failure. J Biomech 32, 1037-1047, PubMed.
Cohen, Z. A., McCarthy, D. M., Kwak, S. D., Legrand, P., Fogarasi, F., Ciaccio, E. J., and Ateshian, G. A., 1999. Knee cartilage topography, thickness, and contact areas from MRI: in-vitro calibration and in-vivo measurements. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 7, 95-109, PubMed.
Xu, L., Strauch, R. J., Ateshian, G. A., Pawluk, R. J., Mow, V. C., and Rosenwasser, M. P., 1998. Topography of the osteoarthritic thumb carpometacarpal joint and its variations with regard to gender, age, site, and osteoarthritic stage. J Hand Surg Am 23, 454-464, PubMed.
Soltz, M. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 1998. Experimental verification and theoretical prediction of cartilage interstitial fluid pressurization at an impermeable contact interface in confined compression. J Biomech 31, 927-934, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Wang, X., 1998. Sliding Tractions on a Deformable Porous Layer. Journal of Tribology 120, 89-96, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Wang, H., and Lai, W. M., 1998. The Role of Interstitial Fluid Pressurization and Surface Porosities on the Boundary Friction of Articular Cartilage. Journal of Tribology 120, 241-248, PubMed.
Ahmad, C. S., Kwak, S. D., Ateshian, G. A., Warden, W. H., Steadman, J. R., and Mow, V. C., 1998. Effects of patellar tendon adhesion to the anterior tibia on knee mechanics. Am J Sports Med 26, 715-724, PubMed.
Wang, H., and Ateshian, G. A., 1997. The normal stress effect and equilibrium friction coefficient of articular cartilage under steady frictional shear. J Biomech 30, 771-776, PubMed.
Kwak, S. D., Colman, W. W., Ateshian, G. A., Grelsamer, R. P., Henry, J. H., and Mow, V. C., 1997. Anatomy of the human patellofemoral joint articular cartilage: surface curvature analysis. J Orthop Res 15, 468-472, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Warden, W. H., Kim, J. J., Grelsamer, R. P., and Mow, V. C., 1997. Finite deformation biphasic material properties of bovine articular cartilage from confined compression experiments. J Biomech 30, 1157-1164, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Wang, H., 1997. Rolling resistance of articular cartilage due to interstitial fluid flow. Proc Inst Mech Eng H 211, 419-424, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 1997. A theoretical formulation for boundary friction in articular cartilage. J Biomech Eng 119, 81-86, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., and Wang, H., 1995. A theoretical solution for the frictionless rolling contact of cylindrical biphasic articular cartilage layers. J Biomech 28, 1341-1355, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Ark, J. W., Rosenwasser, M. P., Pawluk, R. J., Soslowsky, L. J., and Mow, V. C., 1995. Contact areas in the thumb carpometacarpal joint. J Orthop Res 13, 450-458, PubMed.
Flatow, E. L., Ateshian, G. A., Soslowsky, L. J., Pawluk, R. J., Grelsamer, R. P., Mow, V. C., and Bigliani, L. U., 1994. Computer simulation of glenohumeral and patellofemoral subluxation. Estimating pathological articular contact. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 28-33, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Lai, W. M., Zhu, W. B., and Mow, V. C., 1994. An asymptotic solution for the contact of two biphasic cartilage layers. J Biomech 27, 1347-1360, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Kwak, S. D., Soslowsky, L. J., and Mow, V. C., 1994. A stereophotogrammetric method for determining in situ contact areas in diarthrodial joints, and a comparison with other methods. J Biomech 27, 111-124, PubMed.
Mow, V. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Spilker, R. L., 1993. Biomechanics of diarthrodial joints: a review of twenty years of progress. J Biomech Eng 115, 460-467, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., 1993. A B-spline least-squares surface-fitting method for articular surfaces of diarthrodial joints. J Biomech Eng 115, 366-373, PubMed.
Soslowsky, L. J., Flatow, E. L., Bigliani, L. U., Pawluk, R. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Mow, V. C., 1992. Quantitation of in situ contact areas at the glenohumeral joint: a biomechanical study. J Orthop Res 10, 524-534, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Rosenwasser, M. P., and Mow, V. C., 1992. Curvature characteristics and congruence of the thumb carpometacarpal joint: differences between female and male joints. J Biomech 25, 591-607, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Soslowsky, L. J., and Mow, V. C., 1991. Quantitation of articular surface topography and cartilage thickness in knee joints using stereophotogrammetry. J Biomech 24, 761-776, PubMed.
Murphy, L. A., Stefani, R. M., Sakhrani, N., Gangi, L. R., Lee, A. J., Kenawy, H. M., Ateshian, G. A., Shah, R. P., and Hung, C. T., 2020. Synovial Wrap for Supporting Primary Intra-Articular Ligament Repair. In: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Phoenix, AZ, pp. 0404.
Murphy, L. A., Gangi, L. R., Stefani, R. M., Kenawy, H. M., Lee, A. J., Ateshian, G. A., Shah, R. P., and Hung, C. T., 2020. Interleukin-1a Decreases Coefficient of Friction of Synovium ex vivo. In: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Phoenix, AZ, pp. 0385.
Lee, A. J., Murphy, L. A., Ateshian, G. A., Thomopoulos, S. A., Shah, R. P., and Hung, C. T., 2020. SB-431542 Modulates the Wound Healing Response of Ligament Fibroblasts: Implications Following ACL Reconstruction. In: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Phoenix, AZ, pp. 1611.
Gangi, L. R., Kenawy, H. M., Stefani, R. M., Sakhrani, N., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Chahine, N. O., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2020. Impact of Sex-based Differences on Cartilage Tissue Engineering with Canine Chondrocytes. In: 2020 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Phoenix, AZ, pp. 2322.
Zimmerman, B. K., Westervelt, A., Myers, K. M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. A Finite Element Algorithm For Evolving Contact Between Bonded Surfaces With Implicit Damage: Application To Premature Funneling Of Fetal Membranes. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 467.
Zimmerman, B. K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. An Active Remodeling Approach To Cartilage Fatigue Mechanics Can Predict Experimental Results. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 337.
Zimmerman, B. K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. A Three-Dimensional Rotationally Nonsymmetric Continuous Fiber Distribution For Articular Cartilage. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 76.
Zimmerman, B. K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. Plasticity and Elasto-Plastic Damage Mechanics Using Reactive Constrained Solid Mixtures: A Modeling Approach For Biomedical Materials. In: 2019 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Seven Springs, PA, pp. SB3C2019-2138.
Weiss, J. A., Maas, S., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. History And Overview Of The FEBio Software Project. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 122.
Stefani, R. M., Lee, A. J., Gangi, L. R., Kenawy, H. M., Barbosa, S., Tan, A. R., Durney, K. M., Hu, Y., Ateshian, G. A., Guo, X. E., Marra, K. G., Bozynski, C. C., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2019. Sustained Low-Dose Dexamethasone Delivery is Chondroprotective & Enhances Clinical Repair of Cartilage Lesions. In: 2019 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Austin, TX, pp. 2115.
Shim, J. J., Maas, S., Weiss, J. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. Computational Fluid Dynamics With Solute Transport In FEBio In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 16.
Shim, J. J., Gatti, V., Nauleau, P., Karageorgos, G., Konofagou, E. E., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. Modeling Pulse Wave Propagation For Idealized and Physiological Arteries With Fluid-Structure Interactions In FEBio. In: 2019 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Seven Springs, PA, pp. SB3C2019-P2066.
Murphy, L. A., Stefani, R. M., Estell, E. G., Gangi, L. R., Kenawy, H. M., Ateshian, G. A., Shah, R. P., and Hung, C. T., 2019. Wound Healing of PCL Fibroblasts is Inhibited by Synovial Fibroblasts Production of Hyaluronan. In: 2019 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Austin, TX, pp. 2169.
Jones, B. K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2019. Finite Element Analysis Of Patellofemoral Joint Contact Using A Triphasic Model For Cartilage. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 88.
Gatti, V., Nauleau, P. E., Karageorgos, G. M., Shim, J. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Konofagou, E. E., 2019. Modelling Pulse Wave Propagation In Stenotic Arteries With Fluid- Structure Interaction: Comparison With Pulse Wave Imaging. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 61.
Basilio, A. V., Xu, P., Takahashi, Y., Yanaoka, T., Ateshian, G. A., and Morrison III, B., 2019. Simulating Cerebral Edema And Delayed Fatality After Traumatic Brain Injury Using Triphasic Swelling Biomechanics. In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 198.
Ateshian, G. A., Zimmerman, B. K., Shim, J. J., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2019. A Foundational Reactive Mixture Theory Framework For Computational Biomechanics In: 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. New York, NY, pp. 123.
Zimmerman, B., Durney, K., Donde, S., Chen, A., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2018. Theoretical and Experimental Foundations for Investigating Damage Mechanics in Articular Cartilage. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, pp. O0395.
Yu, W. T., Tan, A. R., Han, Y., Barbosa, S., Saharkhiz, N., Ateshian, G. A., Konofagou, E. E., and Hung, C. T., 2018. High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)-Treated cartilage explants maintain viability and enhanced tissue integration with extended culture time. In: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1302.
Tan, A. R., Yu, W. T., Durney, K. M., Cai, C. C., Hu, Y., Lee, J. H., Barbosa, S., Ateshian, G. A., Guo, X. E., Marra, K. G., Bozynski, C. C., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2018. Sustained low-dose intra-articular dexamethasone delivery enhances clinical repair of focal cartilage lesions. In: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 2209.
Tan, A. R., Barbosa, S., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2018. Manipulation of cell cycle phase stimulates chondrogenic potential of osteoarthritic chondrocytes. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, pp. O1187.
Stefani, R. M., Tan, A. R., Barbosa, S., Yu, W. T., Halder, S. S., Bozynski, C. C., Setti, S., Ateshian, G. A., Cadossi, R., Stoker, A. M., Aaron, R., Cook, J. L., Bulinski, J. C., and Hung, C. T., 2018. Application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for promoting cartilage repair with engineered constructs. In: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1474.
Stefani, R. M., Silverstein, A. M., Halder, S. S., Lyons, C. M., Estell, E. G., Lee, J. H., Ateshian, G. A., Bulinski, J. C., Shah, R., and Hung, C. T., 2018. Modulation of fibroblast to macrophage ratio in synovium by proinflammatory cytokine and corticosteroid: Implications for OA and therapeutics. In: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 228.
Shim, J. J., Maas, S., Weiss, J. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2018. Computational Fluid Dynamics with Fluid-Structure Interaction in FEBio. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, pp. 2963.
Estell, E. G., Murphy, L. A., Durney, K. M., Silverstein, A. M., Tan, A. R., Shah, R. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2018. Impact of cartilage particulates on synovium-cartilage tribology and synovium mechanobiology. In: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 248.
Durney-Antonelli, K., Wang, C., Hou, C., Zimmerman, B., Sonar, S., Montégut, L., Bolene, M. A., Donde, S., Guan, K., Hung, C., Ateshian, G., and Vukelic, S., 2018. Novel Laser Treatment Modality for Crosslinking and Strengthening Early-Stage Osteoarthritic Cartilage. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, pp. O0400.
Cai, C. C., Stefani, R. M., Mahoney, C. M., Ateshian, G. A., Marra, K. G., Shah, R. P., and Hung, C. T., 2018. Efficacy of SB-431542 in disrupting synovial fibroblast-seeded collagen gel contraction. In: 2018 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. New Orleans, LA, pp. 469.
Ateshian, G. A., Hung, C. T., and Rosenwasser, M. P., 2018. Cartilage Tissue Engineering Versus Osteochondral Allografts: Challenges and Strategies for Viable Long-Term Solutions. In: 8th World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, pp. O1770.
Zimmerman, B. K., Durney, K. M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. A Finite Element Algorithm for Large Deformation Frictional Contact of Biphasic Materials with Application to Contact of Articular Cartilage in Diarthrodial Joints. In: 2017 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Tucson, AZ, pp. 179.
Wang, C., Durney, K. M., Fomovsky, M., Yu, J., Hall, J. R., Ateshian, G. A., and Vukelic, S., 2017. Femtosecond laser irradiation as novel paradigm for treatment of early osteoarthritis. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0563.
Tan, A. R., Yu, W. T., Payen, T., Han, Y., Hamzavi, B., Ateshian, G. A., Konofagou, E. E., and Hung, C. T., 2017. High intensity focused ultrasound enhances cartilage-to-cartilage integration. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 1423.
Stefani, R. M., Roach, B. L., Silverstein, A. M., Nims, R. J., Lee, J. H., Ateshian, G. A., Bulinski, J. C., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Electric field modulation of synovial fibroblast migration for cartilage repair. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0510.
Silverstein, A. M., Stefani, R. M., Sobczak, E., Halder, S. S., Medberry, P., Shah, R. P., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Design and characterization of a tissue engineered synovium model to study pro-inflammatory and chondroprotective mediators in osteoarthritis. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 1400.
Silverstein, A. M., Stefani, R. M., Sobczak, E., Attur, M. G., Shah, R. P., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Cell contact-mediated response of fibroblast-like synoviocytes to cartilaginous debris. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0502.
Roach, B. L., Aronson, M., Cai, C. C., Frank, A., Bottlang, M., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Application of a turn-key bioreactor for functional tissue engineering of articular cartilage. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 1436.
Nims, R. J., Durney, K. M., Law, W.-S. A., Tan, A. R., Roach, B. L., Cook, J. L., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Heterogeneity of engineered cartilage constructs using adult canine chondrocytes is reduced with higher TGF-ß concentrations. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0450.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Durney, K. M., Jones, B. K., Law, W.-S. A., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Constrained tissue culture reduces collagen solubility and promotes collagen maturation to improve engineered cartilage functional properties. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0009.
Law, W.-S. A., Durney, K. M., Nims, R. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Chondrocytes produce native-like ECM organization using the MatriTek TissueSpecTM Cartilage Hydrogel Kit as a scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering when nutrient channels and CAGE strategies are employed. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0400.
Hou, C., Maas, S., Weiss, J. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Finite element formulation of multiphasic shell elements for cell membrane analyses in FEBio. In: 2017 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Tucson, AZ, pp. 283.
Hou, C., Maas, S., Weiss, J. A., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Finite Element Formulation of Multiphasic Shell Elements for Cell Membrane Analyses in FEBio. In: 2017 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Tucson, AZ, pp. 283.
Estell, E. G., Silverstein, A. M., Murphy, L. A., Sobczak, E., Shah, R. P., Attur, M., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2017. Synovial fibroblast mechanosensing of fluid shear is modulated by factors in the osteoarthritic environment. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0253.
Durney, K. M., Nims, R. J., Law, W.-S. A., Cook, J. L., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2017. Mature canine cells in full-scale engineered cartilage recapitulate native mechanical and biochemical properties with nutrient channels. In: 2017 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Diego, CA, pp. 0443.
Zimmerman, B. K., Nims, R. J., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Direct osmotic pressure measurements in articular cartilage demonstrate non-ideal and concentration-dependent phenomena. In: 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. National Harbor, MD, pp. SB3C2016-1010.
Tan, A. R., Donovan, D. S., Ateshian, G. A., Bulinski, J. C., and Hung, C. T., 2016. Anchorage-independent priming increases chondrogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells. In: 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. National Harbor, MD, pp. SB3C2016-1005.
Silverstein, A. M., Tong, E. L., Stefani, R., Attur, M. G., Ateshian, G. A., Bulinski, J. C., and Hung, C. T., 2016. Toward Understanding Mechanisms of Cartilage Particulate-Mediated Synovial Inflammation. In: 2016 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Orlando, FL, pp. 1444.
Nover, A. B., Jones, B. K., Yu, W. T., Donovan, D. S., Podolnick, J. D., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2016. A Puzzle Piece Strategy for Fabrication of Large Tissue Engineered Cartilage Constructs. In: 2016 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Orlando, FL, pp. 1373.
Hou, C., Estell, E. G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Finite element modeling of cell pH and Ca2+ regulations for chondrocytes with mixture theory. In: 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. National Harbor, MD, pp. SB3C2016-2854.
Durney, K. M., Nims, R. J., Boorman-Padgett, J. F., Suh, J. T., Koo, H. J., Smirnova, P. V., Salamone, G. T., Jones, B. K., Oungoulian, S. R., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Principal component analysis of friction force hysteresis curves for detecting fatigue failure and generating frictional S-N curves for articular cartilage. In: 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. National Harbor, MD, pp. SB3C2016-1071.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2016. Human-Scale Engineered Cartilage with Nutrient Channels Reaches Native Mechanical and Biochemical Properties. In: 2016 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Orlando, FL, pp. 2172.
Ateshian, G. A., Shim, J. J., Maas, S., and Weiss, J. A., 2016. Velocity-dilatation formulation for computational fluid dynamics in FEBio. In: 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. National Harbor, MD, pp. SB3C2016-2788.
Yongpravat, C., Kovacevic, D., Lynch, T. S., Jobin, C. M., Levine, W. N., Ateshian, G. A., Gardner, T. R., and Ahmad, C. S., 2015. Validation of a subject-specific computer model of glenohumeral instability and capsular plication. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-2616.
Wang, C., Durney, K. M., Kuo, J. L., Norton, J. R., Ateshian, G. A., and Vukelic, S., 2015. Quantitative analysis of Raman spectra for assessment of crosslink concentrations toward diagnosing early osteoarthritis. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-2452.
Tan, A. R., Estell, E. G., Farr, J., Ahmad, C. S., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Design and fabrication of minced engineered cartilage fragments for joint repair . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 0344.
Tan, A. R., Attur, M., Abramson, S., Knight, M. M., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Low-dose preconditioning of engineered cartilage with interleukin-1κ provides sustained protection against subsequent cytokine exposure . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 0428.
Stefani, R., Tan, A. R., Nover, A. B., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Characterization of a model system to study synovial membrane transport properties . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV.
Silverstein, A. M., Stefani, R. M., Oungoulian, S. R., Tong, E. L., Attur, M. G., Abramson, S. B., Ahmad, C. S., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., Bulinski, J. C., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Toward understanding the mechanisms by which microparticles induce synovial inflammation in osteoarthritis. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-2374.
Roach, B. L., Kelmendi-Doko, A., Balutis, E. C., Jones, B. K., Ateshian, G. A., Marra, K. G., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Chondroprotection of tissue-engineered cartilage via internal delivery of dexamethasone . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 0345.
Roach, B. L., Kelly, T.-A. N., Dermksian, M. K., Bansal, S., Lopez, P. A., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. The impact of physical and enzymatic treatment on the development of tissue-engineered articular cartilage generated from adult human chondrocytes. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-1099.
Nover, A. B., Stefani, R. M., Lee, S. L., Peyser, R. A., Howard, D. R., Ateshian, G. A., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Optimization of parameters for long-term storage of tissue engineered articular cartilage. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-2385.
Nover, A. B., Lee, S. L., Yu, W. T., Stefani, R. M., Ateshian, G. A., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Long-term storage and preservation of tissue engineered articular cartilage . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1250.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Jones, B. K., Durney, K. M., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. A multigenerational collagen damage model explains engineered cartilage growth and remodeling phenomena. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-2642.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Glucose- and TGF-β-dependent matrix synthesis models explain heterogeneous matrix deposition in large engineered tissues . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1251.
Kelly, T.-A. N., Lopez, P. A., Tan, A. R., Dermksian, M. K., Chen, C., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Comparison of insulin, ITS and ITS+ on the development of tissue-engineered cartilage . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1247.
Jones, B. K., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Biphasic analysis of cartilage stresses in the patellofemoral joint. In: 13th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Montreal, Canada.
Jones, B. K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. The effect of sliding speed and congruence on the 24 h friction response of human glenohumeral joints. In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1223.
Hou, C., Terlizzi, K., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Finite element modeling of active transmembrane cell transport. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-2356.
Estell, E. G., Tan, A. R., Bansal, S., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2015. Modulation of hydrogel crosslinking density to promote development of functional mechanical properties in engineered cartilage . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1248.
Durney, K. M., Oungoulian, S. R., Jones, B. K., Suh, J. T., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Cartilage wear initiated by fatigue damage under physiologic loading when fluid load support and boundary lubrication are compromised. In: 2015 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference. Snowbird, UT, pp. SB3C2015-1160.
Durney, K. M., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Gu, T., Karbowski, L., Singh, A., Vukelic, S., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Raman spectrographic characterization of cartilage matrix swelling via lysyl oxidase inhibition in immature explants and tissue constructs . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 0323.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Jones, B. K., Feingold, H. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Characterization of a human chondrocyte-agarose system for engineering cartilage: The importance of cell seeding density . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1249.
Albro, M. B., Nims, R. J., Durney, K. M., Cigan, A. D., Shim, J. J., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2015. Heterogeneous growth of engineered cartilage results from gradients of media supplemented active TGF-β and is ameliorated through the alternative supplementation of latent TGF-β . In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1246.
Albro, M. B., Durney, K. M., Shim, J. J., Singh, A., Ateshian, G. A., and Stevens, M. M., 2015. Endogenous stores of latent TGF-β serve to maintain the integrity and viability of articular cartilage over long term culture in response to physiologic and excessive dynamic mechanical loading. In: 2015 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 0055.
Tan, A. R., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Early Physiologic Dynamic Loading Mitigates Catabolic Glycosaminoglycan Degradation by IL-1α in Tissue Engineered Constructs. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 383.
Silverstein, A. M., Stoker, A. M., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., Cook, J. L., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes as a Cell Source for Engineering Cartilage for Translational Research. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1258.
Sampat, S. R., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Trimethylamine N-Oxide Media Supplementation for Cartilage Tissue Engineering of Synovium-Derived Stem Cells. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1266.
Sampat, S. R., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Physical Regulation of Osmotic Loading in Engineered Cartilage. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 177.
Roach, B. L., Paik, D. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. The Use Of Chemical Crosslinkers To Enhance The Shear Properties Of Engineered Cartilage. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 218.
Nover, A. B., Rogers, L. A., Georgescu, M. S., Gerold, F. J., Lee, S. L., Roach, B. L., Ahmad, C. S., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Strategy for Scale-Up of Large Engineered Cartilage Constructs. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1276.
Nover, A. B., Roach, B. L., Georgescu, M. S., Rogers, L. A., Hawkins, E. J., Ahmad, C. S., Cook, J. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Continuous Application of TGF-ß3 Improves In Vitro Tissue Engineered Cartilage In An Adult Preclinical Ovine Model. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 410.
Nover, A. B., Estell, E. G., Georgescu, M. S., Rogers, L. A., Lee, S. L., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Analysis of Structure-Function Relationships in Functional Engineered Cartilage Using Controlled Enzymatic Digestion. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 397.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Inorganic Sulfate Supplementation is Not Required for Extracellular Matrix Sulfation in Long-Term Culture of Engineered Cartilage. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1243.
Hou, C., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. A Gauss-Kronrod-trapezoidal integration scheme for modeling biological tissues with continuous fiber distributions. In: 12th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Henak, C. R., Ateshian, G. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2014. Finite Element Prediction of Transchondral Stress and Strain in the Human Hip: Effects of Cartilage Constitutive Model. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1307.
Estell, E. G., Sampat, S. R., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2014. Transient Trimethylamine N-oxide Supplementation Confers Chondroprotection to Engineered Cartilage Post-Culture Under Stress Conditions. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1264.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Quien, M. M., Atkatsh, K., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Elevated Matrix Production in Large Engineered Cartilage Constructs Significantly Facilitated by Nutrient Channels and Sufficient Media. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 134.
Albro, M. B., Durney, K. M., Shim, J. J., Singh, A., Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Jones, B. K., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Synovial Fluid and Physiologic Levels of Cortisol, Insulin, and Glucose in Media Maintain the Homeostasis of Immature Bovine Cartilage Explants over Long Term Culture. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1304.
Albro, M. B., Durney, K. M., Shim, J. J., Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Alliston, T., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2014. Endogenous Stores of Latent Tgf-ß Function to Maintain the Mechanical Integrity of Articular Cartilage Independent of Physiologic Mechanical Loading: Assessment Through the Novel Validation of the Specificity of a Small Molecule Tgf-ß Inhibitor. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 1300.
Tan, A. R., Langford, T. F., Chao, P., Aaron, R. K., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Role of AQP1 Water Channel During Chondrocyte Migration in an Applied DC Electric Field. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 551.
Tan, A. R., Langford, T. F., Aaron, R. K., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Differing Effects of Interleukin-1e+/- on the Response of Chondrocytes and Synovium Derived Stem Cells in Response to an Applied DC Electric Field. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 342.
Sampat, S. R., Dermksian, M. V., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Osmotic Regulation of Synovium-Derived Stem Cells. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 465.
Roach, B. L., Tan, A. R., Stoker, A. M., Cook, J. L., Yeager, K. J., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Fabrication of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage Grafts With Anatomic Surface Contours For Repair Of Large Focal Defects. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14657.
Roach, B. L., Chen, T. H., Kelmendi-Doko, A., Marra, K., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Development of Engineered Articular Cartilage Supported by Internal Release of Dexamethasone. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 529.
O'Connell, G. D., Cui, V., Nims, R. J., Ateshian, G. A., Hung, C. T., and Nover, A. B., 2013. PROLONGED TREATMENT OF ULTRA-LOW DOSE CHONDROITINASE ABC IMPROVES MATRIX PRODUCTION IN ENGINEERED CARTILAGE. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14191.
Nover, A. B., Saunders, R. A., Klein, R. W., Essner, A. P., Napolitano, A. P., Lima, E. G., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Characterization and Evaluation of Osteochondral Tissue Engineered Constructs on a Porous Titanium Base. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 161.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Park, D. B., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Increasing Glucose Availability in Large Engineered Cartilage Constructs Using Nutrient Channels: A Finite Element Study. In: 11th International Symposium, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 339-340.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., O'Connell, G. D., Park, D. B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Frequent Chondroitinase Treatment of Engineered Cartilage with Native Level of Cell seeding Density Does Not Enhance Collagen Deposition and is Detrimental to Chondrocytes. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 1293.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Binding and Release Kinetics of Glycosaminoglycans and Collagen in Engineered Cartilage Under TGF-ß Supplementation. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14660.
Kelly, T. A., Roach, B. L., MacKenzie-Smith, C., O'Connell, G. D., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2013. Chondroitinase ABC-Treatment Enhances Tension Compression Nonlinearity in Tissue-Engineered Articular Cartilage. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 1292.
Kelly, T. A., 2013. Chondroitinase-ABC Digestion And Dynamic Loading Increase Tension-Compression Nonlinearity In Tissue-Engineered Cartilage. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14621.
Jones, B. K., Ahmad, C. S., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Glutaraldehyde fixation of bovine humeral head articular cartilage maintains functional frictional properties. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14216.
Henak, C. R., Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2013. Effects of Constitutive Model on Specimen-Specific Predictions of Cartilage Mechanics in the Human Hip. In: 11th International Symposium, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 388-389.
Henak, C., Kapron, A., Anderson, A., Ateshian, G. A., Ellis, B., and Weiss, J. A., 2013. Effects of Cartilage Constitutive Model on Specimen-Specific Validation and Predictions of Cartilage Mechanics in the Human Hip. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14132.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Quien, M. M., Vunjak-Novakovic, G., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Identification of a Glucose Concentration Threshold Critical for Tissue Growth in Engineered Cartilage. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 1305.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Effects of Media Stirring and Presence of Nutrient Channels on Functional Properties of Large Engineered Cartilage Constructs. In: ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Sunriver, OR, pp. 14128.
Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Finite Element Modeling of Frictionless Sliding Contact Between Multiphasic Materials Under Finite Deformation. In: 11th International Symposium, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Salt Lake City, UT, pp. 386-387.
Albro, M. B., Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Shim, J. J., Chen, Y. B. C., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2013. Dynamic Mechanical Compression of Articular Cartilage Does Not Activate TGF-ß. In: 2013 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Antonio, TX, pp. 311.
Tan, A. R., VandenBerg, C. D., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Preexposure of Engineered Cartilage to Interleukin-1α Affords Protection against Subsequent Cytokine Exposure. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0713.
Tan, A. R., Alegre-Aguarón, E., Bulinski, J. C., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Co-Culture of Synovium Derived Stem Cells Induces Cell Migration into Adjacent Wound Sites within Chondrocyte-Seeded Engineered Cartilage. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1755.
Sampat, S. R., Ackerman, G. P., Dermksian, M. V., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Applied Osmotic Loading for Promoting Development of Engineered Cartilage Using Synovium-Derived Stem Cells. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0208.
Oungoulian, S. R., Bortz, O., Xu, S., Chang, S., Ahmad, C. S., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Cartilage Allograft Stabilization with Glutaraldehyde as a Potential Resurfacing Material for Joint Hemiarthroplasty. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1745.
Oungoulian, S. R., Bortz, O., Hehir, K. E., Zhu, K., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Articular Cartilage Wear Characterization With a Particle Sizing and Counting Analyzer. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80381.
O’Connell, G. D., Gollnick, C., Ateshian, G. A., Bellamkonda, R. V., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Lipid Microtubes Improve Nutrient Transport in Engineered Cartilage. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0239.
O’Connell, G. D., A, C. M., Newman, I. B., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Applied Dynamic Loading Following chABC Digestion Increases Collagen Production in Engineered Cartilage. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0827.
O'Connell, G. D., Gollnick, C., Ateshian, G. A., Bellamkonda, R. V., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Lipid Mictrotubes as a Nutrient Reservoir or Enzyme Delivery Vehicle in Engineered Cartilage. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80472.
Nover, A. B., Ye, M. T., Samojlik, S. K., O’Connell, G. D., Ateshian, G. A., Lima, E. G., and Hung, C. T., 2012. The Influence of Dynamic Loading on Bio-Titanium Hybrid Osteochondral Tissue Engineered Constructs. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1736.
Nover, A. B., Wood, K. C., O'Connell, G. D., Essner, A. P., Klein, R. W., Napolitano, A. P., Lima, E. G., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Characterization of Depth-Dependent Mechanical Properties in Bio-Titanium Hybrid Osteochondral Tissue Engineered Constructs. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80600.
Nover, A. B., Durney, K. M., Sirsi, S. R., Ateshian, G. A., Borden, M. A., Lima, E. G., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Effect of Microbubble Incorporation on Local Solute Transport in Tissue Engineered Cartilage Constructs. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80608.
Nover, A. B., Dermksian, M. V., Hou, G. Y., Konofagou, E. E., Ateshian, G. A., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Albumin as a Substrate for Focused Ultrasound Sealing of Engineered Cartilage. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1446.
Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., Wood, K. C., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Engineered Cartilage Constructs Retain a Much Greater Fraction of Synthesized GAG and Collagen than COMP. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0670.
Hung, C. T., Sampat, S. R., Robinson, D. A., Ackerman, G. P., Dermksian, M. V., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Applied Osmotic Loading for Promoting Development of Engineered Cartilage. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80449.
Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Albro, M. B., Breves, S. L., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Insulin and Ascorbate Have a Much Greater Influence Than Transferrin and Selenous Acid on the Growth of Engineered Cartilage in Chondrogenic Media. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80572.
Ateshian, G. A., Nims, R., Cigan, A. D., Albro, M. B., and Hung, C. T., 2012. Finite Element Modeling of Matrix Synthesis and Binding Kinetics in a Biphasic-Solute Material. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80485.
Ateshian, G. A., Maas, S. A., and Weiss, J. A., 2012. Implementation of Finite Deformation Triphasic Modeling in the Finite Element Code FEBio. In: ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, pp. 80148.
Albro, M. B., Nims, R. J., Cigan, A. D., Chen, Y. B. C., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Accumulation of Exogenous Activated TGF-β in the Superficial Zone of Immature Bovine Articular Cartilage. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0015.
Albro, M. B., Cigan, A. D., Nims, R. J., Chen, Y. B. C., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2012. Synthesis and Incorporation of Latent TGF-β into the Extracellular Matrix of Engineered Cartilage Constructs. In: 2012 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, San Francisco, CA, pp. 0677.
Rajan, V., Caligaris, M., Hung, C. T., Ahmad, C. S., and Ateshian, G. A., 2010. Hemiarthroplasties Defeat Interstitial Fluid Pressurization in Cartilage and Promote Greater Friction than Natural Joints. In: 2010 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. ORS, New Orleans, LA, pp. 2120.