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Basalo, I. M., Chahine, N. O., Kaplun, M., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2007. Chondroitin sulfate reduces the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. J Biomech 40, 1847-1854, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2006. Frictional response of bovine articular cartilage under creep loading following proteoglycan digestion with chondroitinase ABC. J Biomech Eng 128, 131-134, PMCID: PMC2819726, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Raj, D., Krishnan, R., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2005. Effects of enzymatic degradation on the frictional response of articular cartilage in stress relaxation. J Biomech 38, 1343-1349, PMCID: PMC2833092, PubMed.
Basalo, I. M., Mauck, R. L., Kelly, T. A., Nicoll, S. B., Chen, F. H., Hung, C. T., and Ateshian, G. A., 2004. Cartilage interstitial fluid load support in unconfined compression following enzymatic digestion. J Biomech Eng 126, 779-786, PMCID: PMC3726345, PubMed.
Ateshian, G. A., Chahine, N. O., Basalo, I. M., and Hung, C. T., 2004. The correspondence between equilibrium biphasic and triphasic material properties in mixture models of articular cartilage. J Biomech 37, 391-400, PMCID: PMC2819758, PubMed.
Soltz, M. A., Basalo, I. M., and Ateshian, G. A., 2003. Hydrostatic pressurization and depletion of trapped lubricant pool during creep contact of a rippled indenter against a biphasic articular cartilage layer. J Biomech Eng 125, 585-593, PMCID: PMC2842086, PubMed.